The Colours of Kings

The Colours of Kings

Government Mail Conspiracy Thwarts Plans for X-Fest

A new Government Mail Conspiracy has thwarted the plans of The Colours of Kings to share their new album, “The Truth is in Me,” with fellow X-Files fans at the upcoming X-Fest.

We have been looking forward to X-Fest since it was first announced.

Our excitement stemmed from the thought of being in the same room with fellow X-Files fans along with those who played our favorite characters on the show.

We were also excited about being able to give a very special preview of our new record to the X-Files fans in attendance!

Along with some new videos, we added some sneak preview songs to a special, secret page on our site.

We created business cards to hand out with all the info on it.

But some how, in the shipping process, the cards were lost. They were handed from one delivery company to another, and never made it to their destination.

The USPS claims they were delivered, but can’t verify the address they were delivered to.

We believe that the Government sought to prevent the powerful truth being revealed to X-Files fans by never actually delivering the package in the first place.

But we will continue to spread our truth and share it with everyone we come in contact to.

The truth is in me. The truth is in you.